New Plast s.r.l. was founded in 1984 and ever since has been working in the packaging field at a national and international level. Since the very beginning, our company has been a leading manufacturer of consumer goods made from bio compostable and recyclable materials for large retailers, retail chains, pastry shops, bakeries and shops of any kind.
The key to our success is the observance of ethical and entrepreneurial values, which determine our choices. Our careful company management is based not only on analyses and assessments, but also on a correct use of control processes for an effective economic and financial guidance. We never forget to reasonably use our company and human resources with a view to ensuring collective development while focussing our attention on business as a whole. Moreover, we have always adopted open and flexible assessment systems using result-based criteria.
The administrators carefully outline new strategies to help develop company plans while minimizing costs of implemented activities as well as reducing financial risks arising from globalisation. This makes us ready for any rating analysis while proudly showing off our solidity, our ability to foresee future scenarios and their related risks as well as our adaptability on reference markets at all levels.
The high quality of production, customers’ satisfaction, health and safety at work and environmental protection are the core values of our business. Our constant commitment in R&D is deployed using highly innovative technologies and selecting only the best raw material suppliers that guarantee continuos controls and migration tests to protect consumers’ health.
Indeed, all items of our range comply with the strict Italian and European Directives on materials and articles intended to come into contact with food (Minsterial Decree of 73/3/21, Regulation 1935/2004 EC and Regulation 2023/2006 EC), whereas our food grade paper is PEFC and FSC certified and comes from responsibly managed forests. Moreover, our qualified and trained production staff ensures quality and integrity of products before final packaging and palletising.
Our sales force is widespread in Italy and keeps on strengthening in time. Our agents are real consultants that understand customers’ requests and help us developing their business while meeting their needs. Our salers interact with our commercial, graphic and production department and actively contribute to bespoke projects. They travel and attend trade shows together with us in italy and abroad, to keep pace with the times, meet new customers and learn new consumer trends.
Lastly, the increase in our production capacity and the consequent warehouse enlargement has led to the implementation of a stock-based logistic system that distributes our products all over the world in a reasonable time-lapse.
Our customers
Every year New Plast acquires new customers from different market segments, that trust us and believe in what we do. Besides all small and medium businesses we have supplied for years, we are proud to count amoung our customers international outstanding groups such as: Megamark, Bindi, BM Retail, Gran Carni, Ergon, Pratesi Hotel Division, Loacker, Takeaway.com, Raqtan, Mazaj and many more.
All our products are 100% MADE IN ITALY